Authentication Level:
This module delivers all savour information
Name | Description | Authentication |
add | Create new order. | Service |
checkout/cancel | Cancel specific order. | Service |
checkout/finish | Finish order. | Service |
get | Access single order. | Service |
getAll | Get all orders. | Service |
Authentication Level: Service
Create new order.
Request parameter:
Field | Type | Description | Default |
data required | Array | Order data. |
null |
Example Request:
{ "data": { "source": "shop", "billing_type": "client", "billing_id": 15, "delivery_type": "address", "delivery_id": 8, "payment_type": "paypal", "items": [ { "item_type": "wine", "item_id": 185, "quantity": 6 }, { "item_type": "product", "item_id": 186, "quantity": 12 }, { "item_type": "rebate", "name": "Pauschaler Rabatt", "net": "-4.95", "tax": "-0.94", "gross": "-5.89", "quantity": 1 } ], "return_url": "", "cancel_url": "", "net": "21.17", "tax": "4.02", "gross": "25.19" } }
Example Request:
{ "data": { "source": "shop", "billing": { "countrycode": "de", "gender": "m", "first_name": "Max", "last_name": "Mustermann", "phone": "0123-456789", "mail": "", "company": "", "address": "Musterstraße 1", "zip": "12345", "city": "Musterhausen" }, "delivery": { "countrycode": "de", "gender": "m", "phone": "0123-456789", "mail": "", "company": "Musterfirma", "address": "Sonstige Straße 112", "zip": "54321", "city": "Sonststadt" }, "invoice_type": "net", "payment_type": "paypal", "payment_period": 14, "basket_uuid": "4ac1e7b2-fb8f-5ae3-9cf6-3292cf140ac5", "return_url": "", "cancel_url": "", } }
Authentication Level: Service
Cancel specific order.
Request parameter:
Field | Type | Description | Default |
id | Integer | Unique order ID. |
null |
uuid | String | Order UUID. |
null |
Example Request:
{ "uuid": "fca93b1b-0d49-5c54-b37a-51b6c71843bf" }
Authentication Level: Service
Finishing an existing order and its payment is realized with an external payment method like paypal.
Request parameter:
Field | Type | Description | Default |
payment_type required | String | Method for payment for example "paypal". |
null |
payment_id required | String | Uuid of payment is part of the returnUrl. |
null |
order_id required | String | Uuid of the order must be stored in session before. |
null |
external_id required | String | External payment id mostly given in return url. |
null |
payer_id required | String | Id of payer mostly given in return url. |
null |
Example Request:
{ "payment_type": "paypal", "payment_id": "d99c6fbf-9de6-54a0-b93e-ddb48d7e890e", "payment_uuid": "d99c6fbf-9de6-54a0-b93e-ddb48d7e890e", "order_id": "fca93b1b-0d49-5c54-b37a-51b6c71843bf", "order_uuid": "fca93b1b-0d49-5c54-b37a-51b6c71843bf", "external_id": "PAY-7FS80726G4658932TLGZ7JKQ", "payer_id": "SPE87Y8U7CGH4" }
Authentication Level: Service
Access data of single order by id or uuid.
Request parameter:
Field | Type | Description | Default |
id | Integer | Unique order ID. |
null |
uuid | String | Order UUID. |
null |
include | String, String[] | Define which model relations should be included inline in the response. The following values may be given as array or comma separated list. Allowed values are: "client": Include full record of ordering client. "billing": Include either billing client or billing address record denpending on order |
client,billing,delivery,documents,items |
Example Request:
{ "id": 1234, "include": ["client", "user", "items"] }
Example Request:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "info": "success", "data": { "id": 6931, "uuid": "7eb91504-a363-54d3-9fd0-04202a0e36b6", "number": "BE0000000142", "billing_type": "client", "billing_id": 1370, "delivery_type": "client", "delivery_id": 1370, "delivery_note_remark": null, "payment_type": "invoice", "status": "need_package", "net": "79.01", "tax": "14.77", "gross": "93.78", "taxrates": { "19": { "net": "77.01", "tax": "14.63", "gross": "91.64" }, "7": { "net": "2.00", "tax": "0.14", "gross": "2.14" } }, "payment_period": 30, "invoice_type": "gross", "tax_free": 0, "item_net": "79.01", "item_tax": "14.77", "item_gross": "93.78", "rebate": 0, "rebate_net": "0.00", "rebate_tax": "0.00", "rebate_gross": "0.00", "cashback": 0, "gross_cashback": "93.78", "cashback_period": 0, "source": "manual", "crstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:45", "cruser_id": 303, "chstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:52", "customers_id": 289, "client_id": 1370, "client_remark": null, "invoice_remark": null, "touched": 1, "fixed": true, "note": null, "client": { "id": 1370, "company": null, "taxid": null, "address": "Musterstr. 6", "address_supplement": null, "zip": "12345", "city": "Feld", "countrycode": "de", "mail": null, "www": null, "department": null, "phone": "0123456789", "mobile": null, "fax": null, "type": "private", "active": 1, "newsletter": 0, "image": null, "bank": null, "iban": null, "bic": null, "invoice_type": "net", "invoice_remark": null, "unique_mandate_reference": null, "tax_free": 0, "payment_type": null, "payment_period": null, "cashback_period": null, "cashback": null, "rebate": null, "username": "K0000000001", "customers_id": 289, "number": "K0000000001", "price_range_id": null, "delivery_address_id": null, "delivery_note_remark": null, "title": null, "gender": "m", "salutation": null, "first_name": "Hans", "last_name": "Hamster", "deleted": 0 }, "positions": [ { "id": 26941, "sorting": 0, "item_type": "wine", "name": "Weißburgunder Frühlingserwachen", "item_id": 3483, "quantity": 1, "net": "5.88", "tax": "1.12", "taxrate": 19, "gross": "7.00", "order_id": 6931, "invoice_id": 2949, "delivery_note_id": 2595, "crstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:45", "cruser_id": 303, "chstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:52", "customers_id": 289, "client_id": 1370, "credit_advice_id": null, "item": { "id": 3483, "name": "Weißburgunder Frühlingserwachen", "articlenumber": "002", "taste_id": 4, "vintage": 2019, "alcohol": "13.0", "sweetness": "15.0", "acid": "3.0", "bottlesize": "0.750", "drinktemperature": "9-11", "gross": "7.00", "net": "5.88", "tax": "1.12", "taxrate": 19, "place": "", "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.\n\nDonec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.\n\nIn enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a,", "image": "/images/289/Wines/3483/1581503204-bordeauxweiss.png", "pdf": "weissburgunder-fruehlingserwachen.pdf", "active": 1, "type": "white", "region": 1009, "countrycode": "de", "cuvee": 0, "nostock": 0, "nostocktext": null, "quantity": 0, "quality": "origin", "quality_note": null, "bottling_type": null, "path_segment": "002-weissburgunder-fruehlingserwachen-k5m3", "customers_id": 289, "origin_id": null, "language": "de", "cruser_id": 223, "crstamp": "2020-01-23 09:36:50", "chstamp": "2020-04-09 13:16:44", "winery_id": 463, "weight": 100, "gtin": null, "terroir": null, "maturation": null, "cap": "screw", "bio": 0, "vegan": 1, "sorting": 0, "topseller": 0, "network": 0, "internal": 1, "public": 1, "shop": 1, "winesearch": 0, "expertisePdf": "/PDF/3483/weissburgunder-fruehlingserwachen.pdf", "prices": [] } }, { "id": 26944, "sorting": 0, "item_type": "product", "name": "Haribo", "item_id": 57, "quantity": 1, "net": "2.00", "tax": "0.14", "taxrate": 7, "gross": "2.14", "order_id": 6931, "invoice_id": 2949, "delivery_note_id": 2595, "crstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:45", "cruser_id": 303, "chstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:52", "customers_id": 289, "client_id": 1370, "credit_advice_id": null, "item": { "id": 57, "name": "Haribo", "articlenumber": "H12345", "net": "2.00", "tax": "0.14", "taxrate": 7, "gross": "2.14", "description": "", "image": "/images/289/Products/57/1563866279-top1_goldbaeren.png", "pdf": "", "active": 1, "nostock": 0, "nostocktext": "", "quantity": 4, "customers_id": 289, "origin_id": null, "language": "de", "cruser_id": null, "crstamp": "2019-07-23 07:17:26", "chstamp": "2020-05-12 15:42:58", "network": 1, "internal": 1, "public": 1, "shop": 1, "prices": [] } } ], "package": { "id": 26945, "sorting": 0, "item_type": "package", "name": "Packaging", "item_id": 50, "quantity": 1, "net": "4.62", "tax": "0.88", "taxrate": 19, "gross": "5.50", "order_id": 6931, "invoice_id": 2949, "delivery_note_id": 2595, "crstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:45", "cruser_id": 303, "chstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:52", "customers_id": 289, "client_id": 1370, "credit_advice_id": null, "item": { "id": 50, "type": "bottles", "min_bottles": 13, "max_bottles": 24, "min_weight": null, "max_weight": null, "gross": "5.50", "net": "4.62", "tax": "0.88", "taxrate": 19, "customers_id": 289 } }, "rebates": [], "paid": false, "cruser_name": "Muster user", "documents": { "invoices": [ { "taxrates": { "19": { "net": "77.01", "tax": "14.63", "gross": "91.64" }, "7": { "net": "2.00", "tax": "0.14", "gross": "2.14" } }, "id": 2949, "uuid": "ad16001e-69aa-599e-9e66-4716f685a09c", "order_id": 6931, "number": "AR0000000132", "billing_type": "client", "billing_id": 1370, "delivery_type": "client", "delivery_id": 1370, "delivery_note_id": 2595, "status": "need_package", "remark": null, "net": "79.01", "tax": "14.77", "gross": "93.78", "payment_type": "invoice", "payment_period": 30, "invoice_type": "gross", "tax_free": 0, "item_net": "79.01", "item_tax": "14.77", "item_gross": "93.78", "rebate": 0, "rebate_net": "0.00", "rebate_tax": "0.00", "rebate_gross": "0.00", "cashback": 0, "gross_cashback": "93.78", "cashback_period": 0, "crstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:45", "cruser_id": 303, "chstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:52", "customers_id": 289, "client_id": 1370 } ], "deliveryNotes": [ { "id": 2595, "uuid": "3b7db5e6-6802-50c1-b67a-55be38d3e42e", "order_id": 6931, "invoice_id": 2949, "number": "LS0000000126", "delivery_type": "client", "delivery_id": 1370, "status": "need_package", "remark": null, "crstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:52", "cruser_id": 303, "chstamp": "2020-05-04 12:57:52", "customers_id": 289, "client_id": 1370 } ], "payments": [], "creditAdvices": [] } } }
Authentication Level: Service
Get all orders in descending chronological order.
Request parameter:
Field | Type | Description | Default |
include | String, Array | Define which model relations should be included inline in the response. Allowed values are "client", "billing", "delivery", "items", "documents", "user" as array or comma separated string. |
billing,delivery |
page | Int | Page number to fetch. |
1 |
pageSize | Int | Number of records per result page. Maximum page size is 100. |
16 |
Example Request:
{ "include": ["client", "user"], "page": 2, "pageSize": 100 }